I spend the first fifteen days of each month (my goal is 1000 words each day) working on my serial stories I release both under my fantasy pen name, as well as my queer erotic romance pen name. Today marks the transition from portal fantasy to my erotic romance, and...
In order to do most things believing in yourself is a big part of the process, but when it comes to writing books, I think belief is even more important. Think about it. We have these stories in our minds that we put onto the page, and then we believe in them enough...
Having an ADHD brain is an adventure. I’ll be reading something for college, become very interested in it (dopamine activation + hyperfocus) and all of a sudden I’m on the library’s website looking up footnotes and finding more books to read)....
When someone thinks of their life’s purpose, they imagine some big, bold undertaking, a passion project that reverberates for years after someone’s gone. And yet, our purpose, and especially the purpose we put into our writing, doesn’t have to have...
Is it okay to work on more than one project at once? That’s a common question I’m seeing in writing groups these days, whether it’s talking about novels, serials, or other forms of writing. There’s a common belief that you have to write one...