More ideas than you could ever find time to write? Coming up with lists of things to do like updates to your author website, marketing tactics, or sites to check out to see if they can help you promote your book? The tumble of ideas can turn into a torrent if...
It’s that time of year again when my social media feeds are full of ads for programs designed to boost your creativity and your productivity in the new year. People are making posts about their “word for the year” and for the low price of only $19 or...
One of the most frustrating symptoms of my ADHD is when I’m writing a blog and my mind just stops. My mind goes blank. That train of thought has left the station without informing me of its destination, and I’m left staring at a blank screen wondering what...
Having an ADHD brain is an adventure. I’ll be reading something for college, become very interested in it (dopamine activation + hyperfocus) and all of a sudden I’m on the library’s website looking up footnotes and finding more books to read)....
NaNoWriMo created a shitstorm (of their own making) when they released a statement on AI driven by their sponsorship by ProWritingAid, which has been used as an automated grammar checker, but now has unspecified AI features. (Pivot to AI) In this statement, NaNoWriMo...