When you consult your to do app, the next item on the list is “write” and often there’s a word count attached. You open the file. You try to write, but you keep getting distracted, scrolling through social media or having other projects interrupt....
It’s that time of year again when my social media feeds are full of ads for programs designed to boost your creativity and your productivity in the new year. People are making posts about their “word for the year” and for the low price of only $19 or...
I put 1125 words on my writing tracker last night, which goes by weeks, and realized those were the first words I’d written since November 2. Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why and even before last week’s events, I was dealing...
Having an ADHD brain is an adventure. I’ll be reading something for college, become very interested in it (dopamine activation + hyperfocus) and all of a sudden I’m on the library’s website looking up footnotes and finding more books to read)....
When someone thinks of their life’s purpose, they imagine some big, bold undertaking, a passion project that reverberates for years after someone’s gone. And yet, our purpose, and especially the purpose we put into our writing, doesn’t have to have...
The leading cause of enshittification of the internet is that the very people who use services like social media or crowdfunding platforms are now what’s being sold–not the service itself. We’ve gotten away from selling goods and products to selling...