One of the hardest parts of being an author is putting together a story that you are certain is amazing, offering it to the world and…nothing. Books that you expect to be flops may be successes, which isn’t a bad thing at all. But the reverse, those books...
It’s that time of year again when my social media feeds are full of ads for programs designed to boost your creativity and your productivity in the new year. People are making posts about their “word for the year” and for the low price of only $19 or...
Unsupportive family members suck when it comes to your writing. Let me share a story with you. I had an aunt who had read one of my very first published books. It was bit of an add series; I’m still not sure it’d do well in the market because it combined...
I spend the first fifteen days of each month (my goal is 1000 words each day) working on my serial stories I release both under my fantasy pen name, as well as my queer erotic romance pen name. Today marks the transition from portal fantasy to my erotic romance, and...
NaNoWriMo created a shitstorm (of their own making) when they released a statement on AI driven by their sponsorship by ProWritingAid, which has been used as an automated grammar checker, but now has unspecified AI features. (Pivot to AI) In this statement, NaNoWriMo...
The leading cause of enshittification of the internet is that the very people who use services like social media or crowdfunding platforms are now what’s being sold–not the service itself. We’ve gotten away from selling goods and products to selling...