One of the hardest parts of being an author is putting together a story that you are certain is amazing, offering it to the world and…nothing. Books that you expect to be flops may be successes, which isn’t a bad thing at all. But the reverse, those books...
More ideas than you could ever find time to write? Coming up with lists of things to do like updates to your author website, marketing tactics, or sites to check out to see if they can help you promote your book? The tumble of ideas can turn into a torrent if...
The publishing industry has always been one of constant change. Having been a published author for over twenty years, I can tell you that. Publishers rising and falling. New trends. Heck, I even remember when ebooks were new and you no longer had to explain to people...
When you consult your to do app, the next item on the list is “write” and often there’s a word count attached. You open the file. You try to write, but you keep getting distracted, scrolling through social media or having other projects interrupt....
It’s that time of year again when my social media feeds are full of ads for programs designed to boost your creativity and your productivity in the new year. People are making posts about their “word for the year” and for the low price of only $19 or...