In order to do most things believing in yourself is a big part of the process, but when it comes to writing books, I think belief is even more important. Think about it. We have these stories in our minds that we put onto the page, and then we believe in them enough to publish in them. Believing in your writing is vital to this work and to your mental well-being.

So when you don’t believe in yourself, it takes a toll on your writing. The same could be said if you believe in yourself, but don’t have faith in your writing. Either way, you need to recover that in order to move forward. So how?

One of the most powerful, and at this point said to the point of cliche, sayings in the business world is “know your why”. In the case of authors, know why you’re writing. And while “I’m making money and having fun” is an acceptable answer, if you’re not making money or having fun, then there needs to be a why beyond that. In fact, I’d argue your why needs to go beyond that even if you’re making money and having fun, because if you’ve been in this business long enough you know it has its ups and downs, both in the money and in the fun department.

So why did you start writing?

Knowing your why is the foundation to having belief in yourself. It helps you remember that you have unique stories to tell, ones that readers want to read. It will stave off imposter syndrome, and it will help you keep going on those tough days.

Knowing your why may sound like a cliche, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a powerful tool to help you remember to believe in yourself.