Embrace Your Unique Soul.

Learn To Write In Tune With Your Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Hello! I’m Kit Caelsto, the Author Yogi, and my passion is helping authors liberate their muses so they write without self-doubt, shame, blame, or pain. I’m all about working with your mind, body, and spirit to avoid burnout and kick stress to the curb. I help you experience radical liberation so you can be creative, tell the stories you love, and enjoy being an author again.

If this sounds great to you, join the Author Ashram by subscribing to my newsletter.

What is your creative nervous system type?

Your creative nervous system drives your creativity and keeps you writing and publishing. And it’s unique to each of us. Take the quiz and learn ways to work with your creative nervous system type!

Need to get some clarity?


Book a free call with me to explore where you are, where
you’re going and what’s standing in your way.

I had the pleasure of working with Kit on my memoir. We collaborated effectively and their expertise improved my depth, scope, and technique. I loved working with Kit. You will too.



Wondering if the Author Yogi offers yoga classes? They do! While yoga can be a part of the author coaching experience if you’re looking for just yoga classes, head on over to their companion site.

Discover the Author Yogi Blog

Removing Stress From Writing Is About Balance

Removing Stress From Writing Is About Balance

I don't think I'm alone in saying that if I could just write and the stories would magically release and promote themselves then that would be an idea way to go. I've talked about how I made writing my "happy place", the self-care I do when life gets rough. All the...

Why Writing Needs To Be Your Happy Place

Why Writing Needs To Be Your Happy Place

I wrote for close to twenty years before making writing my happy place. Instead it was "my business", "my focus", "what I wanted to do." And sure, I enjoyed crafting and releasing the stories. Loved hearing from readers with feedback on them. Loved cashing the royalty...

Writing with a Spiritual Purpose

Writing with a Spiritual Purpose

If you read a lot of blogs about writing or follow a lot of writing related podcasts, very few are talking about the spiritual dimension of writing. A few discuss finding work-life balance with writing and being an author since we do so much more than simply write...

Writing at the Intersection of Story and Creativity

Writing at the Intersection of Story and Creativity

Welcome to my first blog at Author Yogi, where I help authors nurture their creative nervous systems so they write with more creativity and less stress. My focus is on neurodivergent authors and others who are not well served by our current publishing paradigm. If you...

About Me


Throughout my 20+ year career in publishing, I’ve always been mentoring others, sharing the wisdom of someone who has published over 200 books (per my KDP dashboard) and been there, done that. However as I’m pursing a MA in Religious Studies, I feel a calling to do more, to help authors stuck in the quagmire of doing too much and burning out. To be more than someone who churns out widgets for market. And that’s why I founded the Author Yogi, which complements the work I do at Epona Author Solutions and provide a way for all of us to write the stories that move us, stories that nourish our souls, and as authors, find ourselves becoming one with the story. My goal is true author liberation.